Love, an enigmatic and profound emotion, has been a subject of philosophical, literary, and scientific inquiry for centuries. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends mere romantic involvement, encompassing a broad spectrum of human experiences, including familial bonds, friendships, and even love for humanity as a whole. Love is not just an emotion or a feeling; it is a fundamental mode of human existence that shapes our lives, relationships, and our very sense of being. This essay explores love as a mode of human existence, examining its various dimensions and its integral role in the human experience. Deep dive into human existence and human emotions.
Love has manifold dimensions and eludes a definition. Love means relatedness, to anchor with someone and to seek one’s roots in others. Unlike sex, such as love does not necessarily need an object. It may include erotic love, mother-child love, and love for your friend. We love our own creation; it may be an artwork, a painting, and a poem. Human Existence… Existential foundation of Human existence: Love Core of Our Specie Being